older lady in scarf

If you are on repeat medication, and have nominated us as your pharmacy (which you can do by giving us a quick call at any time), you can request your repeat medication using the form above.

Please do not submit a request more than seven days before your current supply runs out as there is a risk that your surgery will not issue a prescription that early.

Please click here for our privacy policy.

The process

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received & sent

We request your medication for you from your surgery.

alarm clock symbol


Your surgery will take 2-3 working days to send us your prescription.

prescription symbol


Once we receive your prescription, we dispense your medication immediately.

pestle and mortar


Your medication is now ready to be collected or delivered*

We offer a free, daily prescription delivery service to the local area – terms apply. Please give us a call to see if we can deliver to you.

white pharmacy delivery car